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Environmental monitoring in the Kaklik Cave (Denizli, Turkey).pdf.pdf

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Environmental monitoring in the Kaklik Cave (Denizli, Turkey).pdf.pdf



文档介绍:, , 159-165 (2012)Natural Science http://dx./.43023Environmental monitoring in the Kaklik Cave (Denizli, Turkey) Sevilay Ulcay*, Oguz Kurt, Celal Mert Akcora, Mehmet Ozturk Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Letters, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey; *Corresponding Author:******@Received 3 February 2012; revised 5 March 2012; accepted 15 March 2012 ABSTRACTThe formation of caves is the special environ- ment of our earth. Caves with dim natural light and lighted hypogean environments, have been found anism. The Kaklik Cave lo- cated tectonic lines and has a very different way of formation pare with many other same karstic formation caves. The Kaklik Cave is located in the area of Kaklik town in Honaz area and in Denizli province. The cave is one of the 54 cave opened to tourism in Turkey and endanger. In this study the cave climate, hy- drology and biology were studied. The cave has specific species due to this formation, the en- trance is wide and open to the sky, that makes the sunlight could go through a very wide area and cause of it is very rich about hydrology, these effects; provide a very high biodiversity to the cave. The cave has very important touristic potential because of the continuously growing travertine, geographical position, availability of access and natural beauties. The wrong artificial lightning badly chang


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