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新视野大学英语2 unit1 sectiona.ppt

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新视野大学英语2 unit1 sectiona.ppt


文档介绍:NEW HORIZON COLLEGE ENGLISH 2BY ZhanLiping 2013. ?Telephone: ********** ? E-mail: 751415153@?Micro blog: ********** xinlang?Micro message: devon525?Fetion :141643369 Course Requirement?Class attendanceis obligatory. ?Come to the classroom on time;?One absence from the class will lose3 scoresof daily performance;?Four absences from the class will fail the course. ?course design?Class hours: 2periods / week?three weeks : section A / section B/ Listening?Course evaluationFinal score =Participation (30%)+ final exam (70%)Unit 1 Section A Time-Conscious Americans?Questions:1. What precious resource do Americans value?2. What is considered to be a waste of time in the US?3. What do you think of time -conscious Americans? Related Background ?proverbs bound up with time in both Chinese and American cultures?Time is 。/一寸光阴一寸金? Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills ,懒人消耗时间就是消耗自己的生命.?Time flies like an arrow, and time lost never ret