关键词:IE方法,制程改善,制度化, 标准化,实证研究
This article aims at the usage of IE method in current gives out how to actualize IE method and improvement in factory through samples .
pare the research and usage with pany and pany,then give out different characterristic and point among pany ,pany and pany,especially for the direction of IE method research and usage in pany of China.
Secondly,analyses seven kinds of IE method in present so-called IE se
ven are procedure analysis,motion study,principle of motion economy'standard tirne analysis,line balancing,arrangement of operator and machine,5W1 method gives out a procedure and so1ution for one part of IE seven methods have actual operation value especially for pany.
Thirdly,give out a case about process improvement to show how make IE methods as improvement method and system ,then make IE methods not only can make pany getting improvement,but also make the staff receiving Encouragement and it can make more staff to join it and give out more ideas,e into being well circle.
Lastly,summerize a derection for IE methods usage,that is system add with system can give the right derection of improvement for the Staff,and then give out the encouragement can make more staff to join the team for process is not only for IE engineers,but also for all of the staff.
IE Method,Process Improvement,Encouragement,Practi