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the vampire - arizona state university.ppt

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/2/29 文件大小:0 KB


the vampire - arizona state university.ppt



文档介绍:The VampireFrom Black and White to Shades of HumanityNosferatu (1922)?Earliest adaptation of Bram Stoker’s Dracula.?Derived from Slavic “nosufur-atu,” or plague-carrier.?Resembles more creature than (1931)?More human in appearance?Dark, cobwebbed castle?Awkward in speech and action?Kills entire crew of ship in hunger?Tries to steal MinaHammer Films (‘50’s & ’60’s)?Rich color of blood made deaths of victims less clean and clinical?parable to life appearance than previous?Battle between Good and evil less “black and white”(distinct)Although there are some basic changes, the depiction of Dracula is still very similar at this to Hammer:The Lost Boys?Teen vampires appear to be human until a voluntary “change” occursAlthough they appear human in many cases, the monster still lies below the Lost Boys?The protagonist begins his transformation - sympathy?The group has a family structure?“Half-vampires” exhibit qualities that the later vampires will: human with a the Vampire Slayer (1992)Vampires take a step back –only creatures to be “slayed”Protagonists immediately e antagonists when victimizedBuffy: the Television Adaptation?Blurred line between Good and Evil with invention of Angel?Vampires became very human protagonists (Angel) and likeable antagonists (Spike)?Romances between humans/vampires


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