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top inventions of 2011 bulletin board idea -.pptx

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top inventions of 2011 bulletin board idea -.pptx



文档介绍:Top inventions of 2011 bulletin board ideaSubmitted by Jeremiah Mosteller, RA, WCUTop inventionsof 2011The Stark Hand Created by Mark Stark, The Stark Hand prototype provides an ingenious, comfortable, and very inexpensive alternative to the hook his friend Dave Vogt had worn all his life. With the new hand, Dave can now catch balls and grip wine glasses. The Print BrushWeighing in at less than a pound, Alex Breton's Print Brush easily fits in a laptop bag and prints on any flat surface, from wood to fabric to plastic. Alex worked on the project for 11 years. A version with a bonus built-in es out early next Print BrushThe Body GuardDavid Brown designed The BodyGuard, a crime-fighting armored glove, as built-in self protection. The demo model has a camera, a wrist mounted stunner and lots of room for future improvements. The idea came to David while talking to his friend, Kevin Eye SunglassesUnlike regular sunglasses, Chris Mullin's glasses block glare instantly with liquid crystal lenses that darken the most where the sun's light is the brightest. A particularly mute inspired Mullin's Prenatal Marker to Screen for plicationsDesigned by a college student and his classmates, the Prenatal Screening Kit, or safety pen, helps plications in pregnancies at an early stage. The pen will be quite cheap, costing only a third of a cent per use, making it a perfect tool for hospitals in developing nations.


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