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文档介绍:摘要一一一一一一碰撞检测问题。在此基础上,研究了线段与线段,线段与圆弧内侧的机械干涉问题,并提出了相应的算法。这些算法的计算机程序设计简单,算法复杂性较低,能有效地满足实际应用需要。6、引入了多机器人理论来研究多臂凿岩机器人孔序规划,设计了一个面向任务的两臂凿岩机器人的混合式控制体系结构,从而把凿岩机器人孔序规划问题分解成凿岩机器人每个机械臂的任务分配问题、机械臂的已分配任务的离线孔序规划问题、根据凿岩机器人的碰撞检测和任务冲突结果进行各机械臂孔序任务的动态调整问题这三个子问题进行研究。在研究凿岩机器人两臂合作策略的过程中,提出了将整个凿岩机器人工作空间划分为自由工作区域与机动工作区域,通过对机动工作区域内凿岩钻孔任务的合理取舍来处理两机械臂的资源冲突问题。这种思路和具体的解决问题的方法有效地降低了多臂凿岩机器人孔序规划的难度,对其他多臂多关节机器人任务规划研究也具有一定的借鉴意义。犷了利用本文的研究成果,文中对JSZY2-90M门架式两臂隧道凿岩机器人进行了孔序规划的仿真和实验研究,在一定程度上实现了凿岩机器人孔序规划问题。为未来凿岩机器人的进一步研究奠定了良好的基础。关键词:岁产隧道凿岩机器人工作凌询逆A,孚碰巍m孔序规划中南大学博卜学位论文ABSTRACTStudy on the bore sequence planning of tunnel-rock-drilling robot isthe prerequisite step to robotize rock-drilling equipment, as well as theembodiment of intellectualized tunnel-rock-drilling robot. In thisdissertation, surrounding the problem that must be studied in therealization process of the bore sequence planning, we have done a systemicand elaborate research on JSZY2-90M tunnel-rock-drilling robot. Asfellows: modeling, work space, the inverse kinematics, collisiondetection, the bore sequence planning of a boom and the coordinated boresequence of multi-. After studying the actual work condition and the unique frameworkof multi-boom tunnel-rock-drilling robot carefully, we pointed out thatthe kinematics modeling method on open-loop system of manipulator couldstill be used to analyse the tunnel-rock-drilling system, then thepositive kinematics equation of the boom was presented on the basis ofnecessary simplification of the . Based on the analysis of workspace of tunnel-rock-drilling robot,the distance between the robot' s bodywork and the tunnel' s workfacecould be exactly found out. In the process of the analysis of workspaceof tunnel-rock-drilling robot, we study the method how to produce thepseudo stochastic numbers in theory, and presented that pseudo umbers produced by the multiplicative congruence method is detached andhas good '. In the process of study on the inverse kinematics of rock-drilling


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