文档介绍:Unit 4
Business Marketing
Unit 11
International Business Advertisement
Interpreting Skills (口译技能介绍)
英语数字的表达以每三位数为一段位,而汉语以每四位数为一段位。口译中要记住以下数字的英汉语对应表达:一万= ten thousand,十万= 100 thousand,百万= million,千万= 10million,亿= 100 million 十亿= billion。牢记后要不间断地进行英汉数字互译练习,其中包括操练转译孤立的数字和出现在语境中的数字,特别是“万”和“亿”的训练。
在翻译过程中,可以采用分段的方式。如将英语中多位整数翻译成汉语时,按照英语将数字三位一逗的习惯,用一个逗号表示“千”,两个逗号表示“百万”,三个逗号表示“十亿”,如:six billion eight hundred million记为6,,,800,,。汉译英时,则可以用阿拉伯数字加汉语混合记。如“五十万”记为“50万”。切忌把“万”、“亿”全部化为零。
Interpreting Skills (口译技能介绍)
在口译过程中,译者要尽可能多地熟悉数字的一些不同表达,如 1,100到1,900之间的整数还可分成两半读,如1,200读作twelve hundred; five, naught/ zero/ o point five等。
为了使表达效果生动活泼,还可使用一些不同的词和结构,如总产值达到2000万,“达到”就可译成 reached/totaled/stood at…totally, 表达”增减“、”升降“、”超过“等一类的词有go up (down)、increase/decrease、surpass/exceed/outstrip等;倍数的口译中可将A是B的N倍译成A is N times as … as B; A比B大N倍译为 A is (N+1) times as large as B; “double”, “triple”, “grow by 6 fold”等也常用来表示不同的倍数;单位的翻译中应该注意不要漏译或草率地翻译,而应该转换成公制或对方熟知的度量衡。
Background Knowledge背景知识
Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of goods, services and ideas to create exchanges that satisfy individual anizational objectives. Marketing is important anizations and consumers alike. pany often seeks to develop its markets through agency, consignment or some other means.
Agency is a means of business in which an agent does buying and selling for his principal abroad. An agent obtains mission at certain percentage of sales as the remuneration for his service. There are mainly two types of agents: general agent and sole agent or exclusive agent.
Background Knowledge背景知识
Consignment is one of the ways of carrying out import and export transactions. This kind of trade is advantageous as it may save cost, time and