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文档介绍:Thinksgiving day is Originated!Thanksgiving became a holiday almost 400 years ago, in 1621. The holiday originated in Massachusetts when the pilgrims arrived and settled in 1620. They were greeted by the Iroquois Indians and one year later they had a Thanksgiving mealsIt is traditional for families and groups of friends to get together for a large meal. This often consists of a turkey, stuffing, different types of potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy and maize and other seasonal vegetablesThe meal also often includes pumpkin pie. Many of these foods are native to the Americas and were not available in Europe at the time of the first settlers. This adds to their symbolism of giving thanks for a good harvest in a new country. roast turkeypumpkin pieGreat celebrations!Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United


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