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文档介绍:1法律硕士专业学位论文撤回公诉研究Study On the Withdrawal of Public Prosecution作者姓名:潘耿指导教师:薛竑副教授西南政法大学SouthwestUniversityof Political Science and Law1内容摘要撤回公诉制度是公诉制度的一个重要组成部分,包含着丰富的理论基础和程序价值。但是,目前我国关于撤回公诉立法上存在空白,仅有的司法解释规范又不完善、不具体,造成司法实践滥用严重、混乱操作。为了完善我国的撤回公诉制度,本文从法理、立法和实践三个层面深入地探究我国撤回公诉制度的理论,总结了我国撤回公诉制度目前所存在的问题,考察了域外撤回公诉制度的先进经验,对撤回公诉制度的完善提出了创新性、价值性、可行性的构想建议。本文共分为五部分:第一部分“撤回公诉的解读”从撤回公诉的概念入手,阐述了撤回公诉的性质、理论基础、价值,解读了撤回公诉的法理。第二部分“我国撤回公诉的检讨”回顾了我国的撤回公诉制度立法的经历,归纳了目前我国撤回公诉的法律规定,分析了目前我国撤回公诉制度在立法和实践中所存在的问题。第三部分“域外撤回公诉之考察”介绍了英美法系、大陆法系、域外地区的撤回公诉制度,总结了域外地区撤回公诉制度的特点和可以借鉴的经验。第四部分“我国撤回公诉之完善”针对我国撤回公诉制度存在的问题,从完善立法、撤回时间、司法审查、适用条件,后续程序、实践中的相关制度等方面,提出了完善我国撤回公诉制度的建设性构想和建议。关键词:撤回公诉;起诉便宜主义;公诉变更权1AbstractThe withdrawal of public prosecution system of public prosecution is an important part of the system, including a rich theoretical basis and value of procedure. However, at present our country about the withdrawal of public prosecution legislation gaps exist, only the judicial interpretation standard and not perfect, not specific, caused serious confusion in judicial practice, the abuse of operation. In order to perfect our country's withdrawal of prosecution system, this paper from theory, legislation and practice deeply into our country the system of withdrawing prosecution theory, summarizes the problems in the system of withdrawing prosecution, review overseas withdrawal of prosecution systemof advanced experience, on the withdrawal of public prosecution system's consummation to put forward the innovation, value sex, feasibility of the conception paper is divided into five parts: the first part " the withdrawal of public prosecution interpretation " from the withdrawal of public prosecution concept proceed with, elaborated the withdrawal of public prosecution nature, theoretical basis, value, the withdrawal of public prosecution of legal interpretation. The second part " of our country the withdrawal of public prosecution review " review of our co


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