文档介绍:中南民族大学硕士学位论文 I摘要本文从妇女人权的概念研究入手,就恩施州少数民族妇女人权保护的现状展开调查,分析影响恩施州少数民族妇女人权实现的因素,提出了对恩施州少数民族妇女人权法律保护机制的改革与完善的建议。文章共分四章,第一章分析了恩施州少数民族妇女人权保护现状,包括少数民族妇女的参政权,受教育权,劳动就业权及婚姻家庭权。第二章论述了恩施州少数民族妇女人权保护不充分的原因,主要涉及政治因素,经济因素和观念因素。第三章围绕完善恩施州少数民族妇女人权保护的对策研究展开,分析了目前恩施州少数民族妇女人权法律保护机制存在的问题,提出了进一步完善恩施州少数民族妇女人权法律保护机制的途径。第四章是笔者对恩施州人权发展的前景展望。为此,笔者分析了保护恩施州少数民族妇女基本权利对政治、经济、文化、科学的意义,回顾了本地区少数民族妇女权益保护方面的成就和挑战,以及主要障碍。最后笔者提出了关于完善恩施州少数民族妇女人权保障机制的若干建议,概述了完善恩施州少数民族妇女人权保障机制对我国法制建设的作用和意义,对丰富与完善民族地区少数民族妇女人权理论的前景进行了预测。关键词:少数民族妇女人权妇女人权少数民族妇女人权论少数民族地区少数民族妇女人权的法律保护——以恩施州为例 IIAbstract This article from the women’s start with the concept of human rights research on minority women in Enshi ,the protection of human rights the status of an investigation ,the impact of Enshi Prefecture of ethnic minority women the realization of human rights,to Enshi ,the mimority of women’s human rights protection mechanisms of legal reform and improvement the proposal . The article is divided into four chapters,Chapter 1 of Enshi to protect the human rights of women ,minority status ,including minorities ,women’s participation , the right to education ,labor and employment rights and the right to marriage and family .The second chapter on the Enshi minority women do not fully protect human rights reasons ,mainly related to political factors,economic factors and the concept of factors .Chapter 3 of Enshi on improving human rights protection of minority women Countermeasures lauched ,and analysis of the current minority Enshi legal protection of women’s human rights mechanism of the existing problems, Enshi made to further improve the human rights of women ,minority protection mechanisms legal channels .Chapter 4 is the author of Enshi to protect the basic rights of minority women in political ,economic ,cultural and scientific significance of the region to protection mechanisms for some of the proposals ,outlined the perfect Enshi minority of women’s human rights protection mechanism on China’s legal construction of the role and si