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文档介绍:The Shawshank Redemption 陈卓 In 1947, banker Andy was accused of killing his wife and lover, Andy was also convicted of two l ife imprisonment , which means he will be at shawshank all of his life . ? In 1927 Red was convicted of murder and w as sentenced to l ife imprisonment . S everal parole without ess. He became the Shawshank prison 's "authority", as long as you have the money to pay for it, he almost had a way to get anything you want: cigarettes, candy, wine, even cannabis . ? Whenever a new es, everyone w ould bet on the person whether he would crying at first night . Red thought that the fragile and rich Andy would cry all night, but he was wrong . Red failed , so he lost two packs, but at the same time, Red began with special respect to him. Andy bought a hammer and a poster from him. ? Andy masteried the knowledge of the financial system, soon Shaw shan k warden Worden put him out of prison and heavy physical labor. Soon, prison guards began to deal with tax issues with the help of him more and more, and even children's educational problems . At the same time, Andy also gradually bec a me more important for Worden to do money laundering . ? Because Andy wanted to got a small amount of money for the prison library , so he kept writing to the governor, finally he won. ? The arrival of a young prisoner Tommy brok e Andy 's quiet life in prison: Tommy was at another prison before and knew who was the real murdere hen Andy heard the case, he request ed to the governor to reopen the case, but was refused, what's more he got severely punished for two months. In order to prevent the release of Andy, the warden had killed the insider ! ? Norton threatens to burn down the library if Andy does not continue to launder the money for him.


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