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文档介绍:摘要摘要随着计算机技术的进步和发展,数值模拟技术在研究叶轮机械内部流场结构中的作用已日益突出,特别在对叶片的改型设计和对流场结构的优化设计中,己显得十分必要。本文中,,并对其总体性能参数和流场结构进行了较详细的分析, 为进一步的优化改型设计和提高压比设计提供了依据。,、增加叶片的负荷,进而提高整体性能。在此基础上,积极地将 CDA-I设计应用到了十一级轴流压气机的优化改型设计中,%,。同时,,为了弥补这个不足,。 设计研究,,而且还充分考虑了端区流动损失的影响,具有比CDA—I设计更好的性能,是一个真正具有三维意义的优化设计。在此基础上,,,同时还使压比为 ,%左右,%左右。关键词压气机;优化设计;数值模拟;可控扩散叶型(CDA) Abstract With thedevelopment puter technology,the effect ofnumerical simulation technology ing more and more important for research of the flow field’S structure inside oftheturbomachine,especially forremodification design ofblade andoptimaldesign of theflow field’S structure. Inthispaper,numerical simulation is undegaken tosimulate an 11-stage axial—pressor attheAerodynamic Design Point(ADP)with pressure theanalysis ofglobal performance and detailinformation of flow field’S structure inside pressor,the necessary inforlnation about pressor has been gained,which willbeused inoptimal design and the design ofincreasing pressure ratio. From the research ofthe firstgeneration ofcontrolled diffusion airfbil (CDA·I)optimal design in asingle stage,it has been found thatCDA-I design can effectively decrease theloss,increase the10adoftheblade。and enhance the global thebasisofthis,the CDA-I design has been applied to axial-pressor,which result to the increase %of isentropic efficiency and therange of high efficient area around the ADP expanding tooriginal model. hasbeen found that CDA—I design cannot solve thebad flow condition thesecond generation ofcontrolled diffusion airfoil (CDA-II)design has been theresearch design in a single stage,it has been fou