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上传人:分享精品 2016/3/6 文件大小:0 KB




文档介绍:学号: 论文题目: 植物纤维泡沫混凝土的制备学生姓名: 专业班级: 学院: 指导教师: 年月日摘要 I 摘要国家“十一五”节能发展纲要,重点节能领域是建筑节能、工业节能、交通节能,消耗量巨大的建筑能耗首当其冲。本实验通过在普通硅酸盐发泡水泥中掺入小麦秸秆制备水稻植物纤维泡沫混凝土,通过设计正交试验,研究分析了水灰比为 不变的前提下,减水剂量、纤维加入量、发泡剂量以及纤维长度四个因素对小麦植物纤维泡沫混凝土的抗压强度、吸水率、干密度和导热系数的影响, 确定最佳配合比为纤维加入量 6% ,减水剂量 % ,纤维长度 4± 2mm ,% ,此配合比下得到植物纤维泡沫混凝土的干密度 324 Kg/m 3,抗压强度 ,吸水率 % ,导热系数 W/m ?k。对实验结果的分析得出各因素对同一性能的影响程度。关键词泡沫混凝土;植物纤维;正交试验;最佳配合比 Abstract II Abstract The Outline ofthe Eleventh Five-Year Plan for National Energy Saving Development, the key energy conservation domain is the building energy conservation, the industry energy conservation, the transportation energy conservation, the consumption huge construction energy consumption to bear the brunt. In this experiment, the rice straw was used asa raw material to prepare foamed concrete containing plant fiber, and the dosage of water reducing admixture , fiber content, foaming admixture and fiber length was determined. pressive strength, the water absorption rate, the dry density and the thermal conductivity were tested. The results show that the optimum proportioning is wheat straw 6%, water reducing admixture %, fiber length 4± 2mm, foaming admixture % . The properties of the foamed concrete are the dry density 324 Kg/m 3, pressive strength , the absorption rate of water %, and the thermal conductivity W/m ?k. Keywords foamed concrete; p lant fiber ;o rthogonal experiment ;b est mix ratio 目录Ⅲ目录摘要............................................................................................................................. I Abstract .......................................................................................................................... II 目录.......................................................................................................................... III 第 1章综述.................................................................................................................. 1 泡沫混凝土的现状......