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文档介绍:高中课堂有效管理王平(麻江县麻江中学,贵州麻江 557600 ) 摘要:课堂管理是课堂教学的重要组成部分,有效的课堂管理不仅是课堂教学顺利进行和提高教学质量的基本保证,而且是促进学生全面发展的有效途径。随着新课改的不断推进,传统的课堂管理模式受到了严峻的挑战。用一种全新的理念去研究课堂有效管理问题已经成为大势所趋。作者提出当下高中课堂中所存在的问题,并分析其原因,在课堂教学的规范策略、情感策略、教学策略、教会学生自我控制的策略方面提出针对性策略, 以提高课堂管理的有效性。关键词: 高中;课堂管理;管理对策 The effective management of the high school classroom Wang Ping ( Majiang Majiang county middle school, Guizhou, Majiang 557600) Ab stract: classroom management is an important part of classroom teaching,effective classroom management is not only the basic guarantee the smooth progress of classroom teaching and improving the teaching quality, but alsois an effective way to promote the all-round development of students. With the new curriculum reform unceasing advancement, the traditional classroommanagement mode has been a severe challenge. To study the effective classroom management problems have e represent the general trendwith a kind of brand-new concept. The existing problems in the current high school classroom, and analyzes its reason, proposes the strategy of selfcontrol in the standard strategies, classroom teaching, teaching strategies,affective strategies to teach students according to the strategy, in order toimprove the effectiveness of classroom management. Keywords: high school ; classroom management; Management Countermeasures 新课改对教师角色的转换、师生关系的转变教师教学行为的变化等方面都提出了新的要求,传统的课堂管理模式受到了严峻的挑战。而课堂管理不仅是影响教育教学质量的一个重要因素,而且是


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