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文档介绍:II 提 要 北京某高新技术产业园区(以下简称某高新区或某园区)位于北京市朝阳区。某高新区作为朝阳区高新技术产业的聚集区和电子城功能区的核心区,是国际研发机构、高新技术企业的聚集地和高新技术转化基地,具有鲜明的产业特色和巨大的发展潜力。当前,从总体上看,国际、国内、首都的发展环境有利于某高新区的发展。同时,我们也注意到,国际、国内科技人才竞争激烈;某高新区总体规模还不是很大;受规划等因素影响,开发建设速度还比较慢;与产业集聚的发展要求相比, 产业配套环境还要进一步完善。本文试图通过对某高新区的现状及发展环境进行分析,提出今后一个时期的发展战略和保障措施。本文在国内外对高新区理论研究的基础上,从某园区的发展历史和现状出发,对园区所处的宏观环境、区域环境及面临的机遇、威胁、优势、劣势进行了分析,明确了园区的功能定位和空间布局,确定了战略目标。进而提出某高新区的主要战略路径是:促进研发中心聚集、推进移动谷建设、加快发展新生命科学产业和培育新能源产业、提升产业层级、完善基础设施、优化服务环境、改善生态和生活环境、带动周边乡村产业发展。并从构建规划指导体系、完善园区体制机制、完善政策保障、健全服务支撑体系等方面提出了保障措施。 主题词: 北京 某高新技术产业园区 发展 战略 III ABSTRACT As the high-tech cluster of Chaoyang District and the co re area of Electronic zone, XX Hi-tech Industrial Park, locat ed in Chaoyang District, is a gather place and high-tech transformation base of intern ational R&anizations and high-tech enterprises, which has bright industrial characteri stic and large development pot ential. To view the current situation as a whole, the environment of abro ad, internal and Beijing is beneficial to the development of the Hi-tech Industrial Park. At the same time, we have also taken note that science and technology ta pete strongl y both at home and broad; the overall scale of the park is still limited; under the influenc e of the planning factors, the development and construction is slowly; comp ared with the requirements of the growing industry agglomeration, the supporting enviro nment need further development. In my thesis, I will base on the analysis of the present situation and the development environment of XX Hi-tech Industrial Park to put forward the devel opment strategies and guarantee measures for the time e. From the park’s history and current situations, I make an analysis of the macro environment, regional environment, opportunities, threats, advantages and disadvantages of the park on the premise of the high-tech zone theory research, and define the func tional orientation and the spat ial arrangement of the park. Moreover, in this the