文档介绍:华中科技大学硕士学位论文 I 摘 要 街区作为城市的基本组成单位,其内的自然环境(采光、通风、幅射、降雨等) 与人们的生活息息相关,街区内的建筑群布局、尺度比例等都会对其内的自然环境产生一定的影响,近年来在建筑规划设计中越来越重视对自然环境的适应和改善作用,甚至作为其设计是否成功的一个重要标准,相关的规范条例也有正式出版。然而,目前针对建筑风环境的研究相对较少, 研究深度也相对有限。事实上对于气候环境比较极端的夏热冬冷地区,比如武汉,其风环境的改善对调节空气温度和湿度均有很大的帮助,因此研究城市街区风环境的必要性和重要性不言而喻。本文即以武汉市长江两岸传统街区为研究对象,总结分析不同街区布局下的通风状况。鉴于实地测验的复杂性和可变性,本文主要采用计算机数值模拟的方法进行研究。对选取的典型街区现实风环境进行模拟,计算比较其各种可能条件下的风环境, 包括人行高度上和竖向剖面上的的风速比值大小和风速矢量分布,从中总结出城市街区形态适应风环境的规律。同时,本文针对现在传统街区改造中存在的问题,运用本文所总结的规律,以得胜桥街区为例,提出了改善风环境的一些策略方法,最后通过数值模拟比较进行了验证。现有的建筑风环境模拟研究多以建筑单体的室内外风环境为主,本文将思路进行了拓展,应用到更广泛的街区形态的研究中,本文的核心思路是分析现实街区的风环境状况,研究其形态与风环境的相互适应规律,并最后回归到现实问题,将其规律进行了实践验证。本文创新性地对现实街区形态中影响风环境的因素进行了分析总结,并尝试进行了改造模拟的研究,为城市街区的风环境研究以及相关的数值模拟工作提供了一定的借鉴。关键词:夏热冬冷地区 街区 风环境 数值模拟华中科技大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract Block is the basic unit of a city, th e natural environment in the block (sunshine,ventilation,radiation,pr ecipitation,etc) is colsely re lated to people's lives, the layout and the scale of the buildings in bloc ks will effect the nature environment around themselves. In recent years, how to adapt and improve the nature environment is more and more important in architecture and urban desin, even as an important criterion to judge the ess of the design, and relavant normative acts have piled into books. However, at present the study on the wi nd environment around buildings is very limited ,In fact, better wind environment will make great effect to adjust the temperature and air humidity, Therefore, to study on the wind environment around the city blocks is very necessary and important. In this pape r,we try to analysis the wind environment around the traditional blocks beside the Changjiang River, to summary the wind environment between different blocks and different layouts of buildings. Because of plexity and variabil ity of field measurement,the numerical simulation is used to study on the wind e nvironment around the typical blocks. By analyzing the wind veloc ity and the vector distribution, the rules can be dr