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文档介绍:..页眉.. 页脚.. 浅议行政裁量权中合理性原则和比例原则的关系【摘要】行政裁量权现今已成为行政权中最活跃、最显著的部分。行政裁量权的大量存在是现代行政的必然要求。它的广泛存在已成为不争的事实,并且也固然有其存在正当的依据。现今行政裁量权已成为实现个案正义所需的政府工具,是政府行政能动性的生动体现。但是“权力有***的趋势,绝对地权力绝对地***”。所以对行政裁量的控制就显得十分的重要。从世界各国的实践来看, 英美法的合理性原则和大陆法的比例原则是对行政裁量权进行控制的主要标准。行政合理性原则和比例原则对行政裁量权的规制各有其侧重点,都发挥着不可替代的作用。在对行政裁量权的规制中,行政合理性原则和比例原则就有了互动的共同基础。本文即是在行政裁量的控制中,来论述行政合理性原则与比例原则的关系。【关键词】合理性原则;比例原则;行政裁量权 Abstract: The administrative discretion has e the administrative power in the most active, the most significant part. There are a lot of administrative discretion is the inevitable demand of modern administration. It widely exists has e an indisputable fact, and also is the existence of legitimate basis. Nowadays, administrative discretion has e to realize individual justice needed government tool, isa vivid manifestation of the government 's " power corruption, absolute power and absolute corruption ". So the control of administrative discretion is very important. From the practice of all countries in the world, the principle of rationality and the principle of proportionality of civil law in Anglo-American law is the main standard of the administrative discretion to control. The regulation of administrative rationality principle and the proportion principle on administrative discretion has its character, plays an irreplaceable role. In the regulation of administrative discretion, administrative ra


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