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文档介绍:1 文章编号: 1006 2866 (2002 ) 06-0517-03 老年单纯收缩期高血压的动脉弹性功能变化张维忠,白煜,丁跃有(上海第二医科大学附属瑞金医院上海市高血压研究所,上海 200025 ) Arterial Elastic Function Change in Elderly Patients With Isolated Systolic Hypertension ZHANG Wei-zhong, BAI Yu DING Yue-you (1. Shanghai Institute of Hypertension, Shanghai 200025,China ) Abstract Objective To evaluate the elastic function of large and small artery among the health subjects, the patients with the different type of hypertension in the elderly, ie ISH and NISH. Methods Fifty healthy elderly subjects (25 males and 25females, average age 68±5 years) and 84 patients with hypertension (39 males and 45 females, average age 68±5 years) were enrolled, consisting 64 ISH and 20 NISH. Radial arterial pulse wave and arterial elastic index C 1 and C 2 were measured by DO2020 arterial pulse contour instrument. Results Arterial pliance (C 1) was significantly lower in ISH group (7± ×10) than in NISH group ( ± × 10), P<, and control subjects ( ±4 ml/mmHg × 10), P<, pliance (C 2) was similar in ISH and NISH group ( ± ×100 versus ± × 100,P>), both were significantly lower than control group ( ± × 100,P<. No correlation between pulse pressure and artery elastic indexes (C 1: r=-,P=;C 2: r=-,P=) in the ISH group was found, whereas in the control group an inverse re