文档介绍:..页眉.. 页脚.. 宁波大学毕业论文题目宁波尚野培训机构品牌营销对策研究学生姓名专业班级指导教师系别学生学号..页眉.. 页脚.. 毕业论文独创性声明本人郑重声明所提交的毕业论文是本人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。除文中特别加以标注的地方外, 论文中不包含他人已经发表的学术成果或者他人为获得高等院校学位而使用过的材料,论文中不涉及任何知识产权纠纷。否则,本人将承担一切责任。学生签名: 日期: ..页眉.. 页脚.. 摘要随着经济全球化的快速发展,经济市场开放程度逐渐提升,目前,品牌正在充斥于我们的生活,渗透在生活的各个角落,我们己经进入到品牌时代, 因为品牌改变着我们的生活,影响着我们的思维方式。所以品牌成为了消费者选购商品时重要参考依据, 对于企业来说加快品牌营销, 通过市场营销使客户形成对企业品牌和产品的高度认知,是企业不断获得和保持竞争优势必要方式。本文通过问卷和文献研究法、综合分析的方式,结合市场营销理论和管理学理论,搜集并整理宁波尚野培训机构的培训宗旨、管理模型、教学创新、招生模式一系列的信息资料,研究尚野学校目前品牌营梢策略,解答尚野为什么在培训领域称为领头羊,为其他机构提供参考价值。关键词: 尚野培训;品牌;品牌营销; ..页眉.. 页脚.. Abstract With the rapid development of economic globalization , the economic market opening up gradually enhanced , at present , the brand is toour life , seepage in every corner of life , we have entered the brand age , because the brand is changing our life , affects the way we think. So the brand has e an important reference basis , when consumer choose and buy goods for enterprises to speed up the brand marketing , through marketing make customers form the highly recognition of enterprise brand and product , is the enterprise constantly necessary to obtain and petitive advantage. In this paper , through the way of questionnaire and literature research , comprehensive analysis , combining the theory of marketing and management theory , collecting anizing of ningbo is shangye training institutions of education philosophy , teaching program , teaching methods , related data , such as the enrollment mode on the basis of the analysis is still shangye idea and the method of training institutions currently brand camp pin , in view of the existing resources and experience to the brand construction ,put forward the further enhance its brand marketing strategy , Nao No, the study of the current brand strategy, answer why Nao No in the training area known as the leader, to provide a reference value for anizations. Keywords :Shangye; Brand; brandmarketing; ..页眉.. 页脚.. 目录 1绪论..............................................................