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文档介绍:.页眉. .页脚. 从“白沟箱包”看中小企业的财务问题及其对策摘要近几年,中小企业在我国迅速发展,是我国企业的重要组成部分,对国民经济的发展具有极其重要的地位和作用。本论文通过对“白沟箱包”这一具体的中小企业在经营过程中遇到的财务问题的研究,看出我国所有中小企业在经营过程中的财务问题。笔者从内、外两方面分析了其财务问题存在的原因,通过分析,提出了切实制定并确保优惠政策惠及中小企业、加大政府对中小企业的监督力度、加大信贷行业对中小企业的扶持力度、加强所有者以及管理者自身的财务管理理念、提高财务人员素质、建立健全企业内部财务控制等解决措施和办法。希望通过本文的研究使得中小企业能够持续、稳定、健康的发展。关键词: 中小企业;融资能力;财务控制力;. .页脚. AD iscuss about F ina n cial M anagements and C ountermeasures in S mall and M edium -S ized E nterprises in China from ‘B ags of B aigou ’ ABSTRACT In resent years,small and medium - sized enterprises develop rapidly in are an important part ofour enterprise,and play an important position and role for the development of the national paper,we can see the financial problems in the course of business of all small and medium - sized enterprises by researched ‘ bags of baigou ’ this one specific small and medium - sized enterprises in the course of analyzed the reasons for its financial problems from the inside and the analysis,I proposed the solutions and methods as follows:Effectively develop that the preferential policies can benefit from these preferential government supervision for the small and medium-sized the credit industry efforts to support small and medium-sized the financial management concepts of owners and the quality of financial and improveinternal financial the studies of this paper small and medium-sized enterprises can be sustained,stable and healthy development. Key w ord: Small and medium-sized enterprises;Financing capacity;Financial control;Concept of financial management .页眉. .页脚. 目录 1白沟箱包企业······························································································································ 1 白沟箱包企业的发展过程································································································· 1 白沟箱包


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