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Cyberpunk 2020 - Corporation Report 2020 Vol.3.pdf

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Cyberpunk 2020 - Corporation Report 2020 Vol.3.pdf

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Cyberpunk 2020 - Corporation Report 2020 Vol.3.pdf


for the corporations, they'll know more about
their employer's history and motivations.
Finally, the descriptions will add depth and
realism to any scenarios in which those cor-
porations appear. You'll know what products
arc made by whom, who's likely to be respon-
sible for what plots, and what the hallmarks
of each corporation are, right down to the ads
that characters will see on television.
If you have read or seen the first two Corp-
books, you may notice some differences in
this volume. For the first time we are includ-
ing information for use running
adventures, such as descriptions pany
computer systems and typical data fortresses.
The adventures have also been expanded,
making them more challenging and involv-
ing. Finally, the article on the Second Corpo-
INTRODUCTION: Villains can have more depth, heroes can rate War will serve to explain the conflict
WHO FEEDS THE MACHINES? know exactly who they arc working for (or between the panies and provide one
In a world sucked dry of resources by earlier against), and you have a ready-made frame- more element of source material to flesh out
generations, Man is still unable to slake his work for intrigue and adventure. your adventures or characters.
growing thirst for energy and raw materials.
As the years go by, his machines spread over WHAT'S IN THE CORPBOOKS? NOTES
more and more of the Earth's surface. All that Corpbooks are designed to allow to you easi- Players: This book is designed for both players
machinery cries out (petes) for ly find the exact information that you need. and referees, but players may want to check
power to run its motors, oils to cool its Each corporation write-up posed of with their referees before reading the contents
innards, plastics to protect its surface, and eight source sections: History; Main Prod- cover to cover. There may be some informa-
raw materials to shape into new machines ucts and I


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