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文档介绍:大兴 In many countries around the world May 1 isa holiday. Labor Day, or Workers ’ Day, is an international holiday that honors working men and women, and the jobs they do. During the late 1880s, in many parts of the world, people worked for fourteen to sixteen hours a day in factories, and earned very little money. In the United States and Canada, working people got together to try to make their workplaces better. These groups of people formed Unions. The union leaders pany directors for shorter work days and higher pays, but many of them dismissed the ideas. On May 1, 1886, men and women in the United States and Canada stopped work and marched through cities and towns to try and force bosses to let them work an eight-hour day. In the city of Chicago, several people died in fights with the police. Over the next few years, people in cities around the world stopped working every May 1 tohonor workers everywhere. By the early twentieth century, the first of May was a national holiday in many countries. In the United States and Canada, May 1 isnot a holiday. North Americans celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday in September. Today in the United States, Labor Day is mostly about having fun. People enjoy a long weekend, and often celebrate by having barbecues or ics with friends or family. In many parts of the United States, Labor Day is also the last day of summer vacation and stud


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