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文档介绍:河南理工大学万方科技学院本科毕业论文 1 摘要根据我对日常生活的观察,以及在大学阶段的各个实****最后选定毕业设计题目为——螺旋输送机的设计。其原理为:当电动机驱动螺旋轴回转时,加入槽内的物料由于自重的作用,使螺旋叶面旋转,但受着螺旋的轴向推力的作用,向着一个方向推进到卸料口处,物料被卸出,从而达到输送物料的目的。本输送机传动装置采用 NGW 型行星齿轮减速器传动, NGW 型行星齿轮减速器具有体积小、质量小、传动比大、承载能力大,以及传动平稳和效率高等优点。本毕业设计主要设计的是—— NGW 型行星齿轮减速器的设计。首先通过确定其传动比,再到配齿计算,再确定 NGW 型行星齿轮减速器各个齿轮的尺寸及啮合参数,最后是行星传动的结构设计及均载机构的设计。通过本次设计, 我对 NGW 型行星齿轮减速器的各个部分以及其设计过程都有了更加深入的理解。关键词:螺旋输送机 NGW 型行星齿轮减速器均载机构河南理工大学万方科技学院本科毕业论文 2 Abstract According to my observation of daily life, as well as the various internship at the university stage, the final design selected topics for graduate --spiral conveyer design. Its principles are : When electric motors driven screw axis rotation, the inside of the materials themselves as role-not screw leaf surface, but once the spiral must thrust role toward a direction to the mouth of the discharge Office of materials being discharged to reach carrier materials. The aircraft carrier transmission devices used NGW-ary gear reducer transmission, NGW-ary gear reducer with small size, quality small, transmission than large, large carrying capacity and a smooth and efficient transmission of higher advantages. The graduate design major design type ary gear reducer is --NGW design. First, by defining its velocity ratio, and then to calculate the allocation of teeth, to determine the type of ary gear reducer NGW various gear and mesh size parameters, ary transmission is the final design and structure are reflected in the design of institutions. Through this design, I have a deeper understanding toN GW -ary gear reducer and parts of the design process . Keyword : Spiral conveyer NGW-ary gear reducer Balanced load institution 河南理工大学万方科技学院本科毕业论文 I 前言 GX型螺旋输送机是工农业各部门机械化运输工作的主要机组,可使运输工作减轻劳动强度,提高工作效率,应用范围很广泛。适用于输送粉状、粒状及小块物料:如煤粉、水泥、矿沙、炉灰、石灰、化肥、苏打、食盐、砂糖、谷物、淀粉、棉子、麦芽、饲料、饲料、锯木宵等,因此在水泥厂、化肥厂、化工厂、铁厂、矿山、糖厂、造纸厂、维尼龙厂、饲料公司、水利工场使用较多。其优点是结构简单、成本低、面积小、操作安全方便、在运输过程中能与外界隔离,是一种封闭的运输设备,它不仅可以水平运输,而且可以倾斜运输。螺旋输送机的传动部分采用行星齿轮传动。行星齿轮传动现已被人们用来代替普通齿轮传动,而作为各种机械传动系统中的减速器、增速器和变速装置。尤其是对于那些