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文档介绍:黑龙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstract With the transformation ofChinese society and theecological changes inthe environment ofthemedia,reporters are faced with acomplex news environment and unprecedented face of petition inthemedia market,the reporter needs todig outin ashorttime tomeet theneeds oftheaudience thenews to attract readers eye,while thepublic isincreasingly focused on inthenews gathering process toprotect their OWll privacy and legitimate rights and interests faced by reporters togather news on the one hand toperform the professional mission,the otherhand,we should takeup socialresponsibility,to observe journalistic ethicsandjournalistic ethics,necessary tosortouttheproblems encountered inthework in atimelymanner,sum upexperience,grasp thedirectionof agoodjob. From in recent years occurred in an interview withreporters andobject conflicts, non legitimate visitscandid,interrogation interview,forced interview and non normative interview way increase innews interview media attention ishigh,once thenews interview conflictevents,social influence isvery strong, thereporter’upation level isvery susceptible paper summarized the recent news interview conflict incidents occurred situation,causes, combined withthenews interview conflicthas occurred therealcase,make alist offive non standardized interviewway,discuss how toreduce thepress ofconflict,and points out thatthespecification ofthenews interview paradigm andjournalists should pay attention tonews ethics,hope thatthrough this in arlinterview withreporters obmined theidealeffect toprovide some reference. Keywords:news interview withconflict;non-normative interview;interview ethics Ⅷ7 洲0 ㈣3 ㈣2 洲Y 目录目录中文摘要????????????????????????????.I 绪论??????????????????????????????????????????1 第—章新闻采访冲突概述???????????????????????8 第一节新闻采访冲突的属性????????????????????.8 一、概念阐释?????????????????????????8 二、新闻采访冲突的特征????????????????????9 三、新闻采访冲突常伴新闻类型????