文档介绍:I 都市圈公共产品供给过程中的政府合作研究--以南北钦防都市圈为例摘要我国地方政府区域一体化发展的实践与成果近年来纷纷涌现,我国对于一体发展的都市圈给予极大的政策支持与鼓励。西部地区地方政府应该抓住国家战略的契机,大力推进当地区内都市圈一体化发展。南北钦防都市圈是北部湾经济区发展最为重要的核心和龙头,也作为面向东南亚的窗口。在自治区政府以及国家战略的高度重视下要为全区乃至整个西部地区做出示范作用。南北钦防都市圈具有良好的经济基础、有沿海延边的区位优势、以及资源禀赋、战略支撑等等优点,也存在长期落后、制度不成熟、发展不均衡、地方保护主义等等劣势。总体来说发展前景良好、潜力极大,处于一个机遇与挑战并存的状况下。在区域公共产品供给的问题上如何扬长避短、合理谋划,自治区政府应该如何政策支持与规划配套,地方政府之间应该如何竞合相间、共赢互利、良性竞争,取长补短。是本文将要探讨的一系列问题。本文大体以理论-- 实践--对策三部分作为研究思路,对南北钦防都市圈发展过程进行深入剖析,着重探讨对于区域公共产品的供给方面,四市的竞合机制建设,自治区政府的管理规划模式的建设。在此基础上也提出了一些优化政府合作对策上的创新。关键词:南北钦防都市圈一体化区域公共产品政府合作 II Research of Public Goods Supply Process in Metropolitan Governmental C ooperation —— In case of NanBeiQinFang Metropolitan ABSTRACT Integrated practice and es have emerged in recent years , one of the metropolitan development policy given great support and encouragement. Authorities in western region should seize the opportunity of the national strategy , and vigorously promote the integrated development of the local metropolitan area . NanBeiQinFang Gulf Economic Zone metropolitan area is the most important development of the core and leader, but also as a window for Southeast Asia . To make a role model for the region as a whole in the western region and the regional government attaches great importance to the national strategy . NanBeiQinFang Metropolitan has a good economic foundation , there are coastal Extension of the border area advantage , as well as natural resources, strategic support and so on merit , there are long behind , institutional immaturity , uneven development , local protectionism , and so disadvantage. Overall good development prospects, the potential is enormous , is in a condition of opportunities and challenges . On the issue of how to avoid weaknesses in regional public goods supply , reasonable plan , the regional government policy support and planning how to support, how should alternate peting loc al governments, mutual benefit and win -win , petition , learn from each other . Is a series of q