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文档介绍:南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 i 摘要随着经济发展和城市化进程的加快,越来越多的农村集体土地需要通过征收转变为建设用地。但是随着市场经济的建立和逐步完善,现有征地制度的不适应性日益显现,尤其是征地补偿问题十分突出。因此,研究征地补偿问题、探寻合理的征地补偿机制显得非常迫切。本文试图通过对我国土地征收补偿法律问题进行系统而深入的研究,探索一种适合我国社会主义经济发展要求的公平的征地补偿机制,为我国土地征收制度改革提供一些建议。本文对于土地征收补偿法律问题进行了理论和实践上的探讨,从我国的征地补偿现状出发并对国外相关立法实践进行了分析比较。本文认为我国当前的土地征收补偿问题,最重要的是保护农民的合法权益,平衡土地利益在相关利益主体之间的分配。土地征收是为公共利益需要,所有建设用地要严格限制在规划用地的范围之内,不得随意突破。改革和完善我国的征地补偿机制要在立法和实践中明确土地征收补偿的公平原则和正当程序原则,适当扩大补偿的范围,制定合理的征地补偿标准,探索多种补偿安置方式并健全失地农民的社会保障制度。另外,要进一步完善征地补偿程序,确保补偿安置的落实,健全征地补偿中权利救济的行政和司法程序,从而使农民的合法权益在征地补偿中得以真正的保障。关键词: 土地征收补偿,农民权利,补偿原则,补偿范围,补偿标准, 补偿程序我国土地征收补偿法律问题研究 ii Abstract Along with rapid development of economy and urbanization, more and more farm lands need to be tran sformed to constr uctive land by land expropriation. While along w ith the establishment and improvement of market economy , the existing land expropriatio n system es patible gradually. especially, the pensation issue is very conspicuous. Therefore, to research the question of land expr opriation and explore a reasonable land compensation mechanism is very urgent. Th is paper attempts to explore a suitable land pensation mechanism for the development of China's socialist economy by a systematic and thorough research on the legal problem of Chinese land pensation. That will provide some suggestions for the reform of the system of land expropriation . Based on the theory and practice , the pare and analysis the legislation and practice of abroad a nd point out that for the current land pensation, the most importa nt thing is to protect the rights and interests of farmers, and to balance the interests of land between the related groups in the distribution. Land expropriation is necessary for the public interest. All construction is strictly limited in th e scope of the land planning. It is not allowed to be randomly breakthrough . To reform and improve the mechanism of the land pensation ,we need to clear the principle of just and due process in the legisla tion and