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文档介绍:西安建筑科技大学工程硕士学位论文枣庄市“十二五”水污染防治规划研究 专 业:建筑与土木工程 工程硕士生:吴瀚 指导教师:李祥平副教授 摘要 为解决北方地区水资源严重短缺问题,我国实施了南水北调特大型基础设施建设项目。南水北调东线工程计划在2013 年建成通水,能否根治污染、确保调水水质,是其成败的关键。加快调水沿线城市水污染防治规划编制,加强技术政策和实施方案的研究,是保证完成国家水污染防治工作部署的重要环节。根据国家“十二五”水污染防治工作部署,枣庄市作为淮河流域乃至南水北调东线水污染防治的关键节点,成为全国 60 个水污染防治重点城市之一。枣庄市出境入河(湖)支流必须在 2012 年年底前全面达到Ⅲ类,实现输水干线污水零排放。加强枣庄市“十二五”水污染防治工作,具有重要的社会、经济与环境意义。本研究对枣庄市的自然环境、社会经济污水排放与治理现状等背景资料进行了调研分析。目前枣庄市范围内水体已经受到较严重污染,污染源主要来自城市生活和生产、直排工业、农业与农村面源和水体养殖,其中城市污水、直排工业污水是污染的主要原因,因此“十二五”期间应在加强城市污水、工业污水重点治理的同时,开展农业面源污染控制。在水污染控制规划的理论指导下,本文以枣庄市城郭河控制单元“十二五”期间水污染防治为代表,展开研究,对单元人口、经济发展、给排水总量和污染物排放总量进行了预测,按照总量控制原理确定了不同规划阶段的污染物削减量。基于水污染区域性综合防治的方法,本研究统筹考虑工业污染防控、城市环境基础设施建设、中水截蓄导用、流域生态恢复与保护、集中式饮用水源地保护和农村面源防治,提出了水污染总量控制和削减方案与措施。研究确定, 枣庄市在 2015 年底前共需实施 8 大类 71 项重点工程, 投资约 亿元。关键词:南水北调;十二五规划;枣庄市;水污染;防治 西安建筑科技大学工程硕士学位论文 The study for water pollution pr evention and control planning of Zaozhuang during “Twelfth Five-Year plan” Speciality:Building a nd civil engineering Candidate:Wu Han Tutor:Li Xiangping ABSTRACT In order to solve serious water shortage in the north of China, our country implemented the South-to-North Water Transf er Project, an oversize infrastructure project. Eastern Route of South-to-North Wate r Transfer Project is expected to achieve at the 2013. Whether the po llution can be solved though tly and whether the water qulity can be qurarteeted are the key to project ess. Speeding up drawing up plans of the prevention and control of water pollu tion water for the city along the project areas , and strengthening the research of technology policy and implementing scheme, are the important part to pleti ng the national water pollution control work. According to the national “Twelfth Five-Year plan" for water pollution prevention and control work deployment, Zaozhuang is the key nodes of the water pollution prevention and control of the Huaihe Rive r Basin and even the Eastern Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project, and is one of the key cities