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文档介绍:D eath Revelation ------on the symbols of death in Moby Dick Abstract: The tragic death symbol in Moby Dick created by the famous American writer Herman Melville is the main characteristic of the novel. The tragic symbols of the novel are discussed and analyzed in the aspects of the writer ’s personal life, arrangement of the plot, use of allusion, the naming of the characters, the description, dialogues and monologues, and the revelation in the relation between mankind and nature is also briefed in the end. Key words: novel; tragedy symbols of death; mankind and nature 死亡启示---------- 论《白鲸》的死亡象征内容摘要: 悲剧死亡象征是美国著名小说家迈尔维尔所创作的小说《白鲸》中的一个主要特征。从小说的作者生平, 情节设计, 经典选用, 人物命名, 环境描写, 人物对话, 个人独白等几个方面讨论和分析小说中的悲剧死亡象征,并简述了人与自然的关系。关键字:小说;悲剧;死亡象征;人与自然。 Content : 1. Introduction: Background of the author. …………… 2 Purpose of the research …………… 3 2. Symbol The death symbol can be listed. ……..3 analyze these symbols .. …….4 3. Analysis The relationship between live and death . ……..5 The symbol of death ’s function . ……..5 4. Conclusion: F ind the symbol of death means the destruction of nature . Revelation: pay attention the relationship between nature and the death …….6 Herman Melville was the celebrated author of several big 19th-century novels about the sea. Moby-Dick (1851), the story of the fanatical Captain Ahab and his hunt for the great white whale of the title, isnow c