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文档介绍:第 32 卷第 23 期中国电机工程学报 , 2012 48 2012 年 8 月 15 日 Proceedings of the CSEE ?2012 . 文章编号: 0258-8013 (2012) 23-0048-07 中图分类号: TK 124 文献标志码: A 学科分类号: 470·20 侧风下逆流湿式冷却塔优化进风的实验研究陈友良,高明,赵元宾,史月涛,孙奉仲( 山东大学能源与动力工程学院,山东省济南市 250061) Experimental Study on Optimizing Inlet Airflow of Wet Cooling Towers Under Crosswinds CHEN Youliang, GAO Ming, ZHAO Yuanbin, SHI Yuetao, SUN Fengzhong (School of Energy and Power Engineering, Sha ndong University, Jinan 250061, Shandong Province, China) ABSTRACT: A new approach of installing air deflectors around tower inlet circumferentia lly was proposed to optimize the inlet airflow and reduce the a dverse effect of crosswinds on the thermal performance of natural draft wet cooling towers (NDWCT). And inlet airflow uniformity coefficient was defined to analyze the uniform ity of circumferential inlet airflow quantitatively. Then the effect of air deflectors on the NDWCT performance was investigated experimentally. By contrast between inlet air flow rate and cooling efficiency, it has been found that crosswinds not only decrease the inlet air flow rate, but also reduce the uni formity of inlet airflow, which reduce NDWCT performance jointly. After installing air deflectors, the inlet air flow rate and uniformity coefficient inc