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文档介绍:一、马克·吐温的作品? 1. Running for Governor 《竞选州长》? 2. The mysterious stranger 《神秘的陌生人》? 3. The £ 1,000,000 Bank-Note ? 4. The Million Pound Note 《百万英镑》? 5. The Gilded Age 《镀金时代》? 6. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County ( his first story) ?《卡拉维拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》? 7. The innocent abroad 《傻子出国记》? 8. Life on the Mississippi 《密西西比河上》? 9. The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg 《败坏了哈德莱堡的人》? 10. Roughing It 《苦行记》? 11. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 《汤姆·索亚历险记》? 12. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》马克·吐温四大名著二、翻译 2-11 ? The old lady pulled her spectacles down and looked over them about the room; then she put them up and looked out under seldom or never looked through them for so small a thing as a boy; they were her state pair, the pride of her heart, and were built for "style," not service -- she could have seen through a pair of stove-lids just as well. She looked perplexed for a moment,and then said, not fiercely, but still loud enough for the furniture to hear: ?这老太太拉低眼镜从镜片上方朝房间看了看,然后她又抬高眼镜从镜片下面看。她很少或者干脆说她从来没戴正眼镜来找像一个小男孩这样小的东西。这副眼镜是很考究的,也是她的骄傲,她配这副眼镜不是为了实用,而是为了“装饰”,为了“漂亮”。她看东西时,即使戴上两片炉子盖也照样看得一清二楚。她茫然不知所措地愣了一会儿。然后虽然不是凶神恶煞般,但嗓门高得让每个角落都能听到, ?"Well, I lay if I get hold of you I'll --" ? She did not finish, for by this time she was bending down and punching under the bed with the broom, and so she needed breath to punctuate the punches with. She resurrected nothing but the cat. ?"I never did see the beat of that boy!" ?她说: “好,我发誓如果我抓住你,我就——”她话没有说完,因为这时她正弯腰用扫把往床下猛捣,每捣一下,她需要停下来换口气。结果,只捣出来一只猫。“我还从没有见过这么令人吃惊的孩子! ”?"Hang the boy, can't I never learn anything? Ain't he played me tricks enough like that for me to be looking out for him by this time? But old fools is the biggest fools there is. Can't learn an old dog new tricks, as the saying is. But my goodness, he never plays them alike, two days, and how is a body to know what'ing? He 'pears to know just how long he can torment me before I get my dander up, and he knows if he can make out to put