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火车与小孩 - 火车与小孩.ppt

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火车与小孩 - 火车与小孩.ppt



文档介绍:Decision Making/ 做决定 Train Track and Train Track and Children Children 火车轨和小孩火车轨和小孩 The story given here is quite The story given here is quite interesting and really gives us interesting and really gives us an insight into DECISION an insight into DECISION MAKING MAKING 这个故事很有趣,让我们对做决这个故事很有趣,让我们对做决定有更深刻的认识。定有更深刻的认识。 Introduction /介绍 Which one will you choose? 你会选择哪一个? A group of children were playing near two railway tracks, one still in use while the other disused. Only one child played on the disused track, the rest on the operational track. 有一群小朋友在两条铁轨附近玩耍,一条铁轨还在使用,一条已经停用;只有一个小朋友选择在停用的铁轨上玩,其它的小朋友全都在仍在使用的铁轨上玩。 Which one will you choose? The train came, and you were just beside the track was not possible to stop the train but You could make the train change its course to the disused track and saved most of the kids. 这时火车来了,而你正站在铁轨的切换器旁。让火车停下来已经不可能了,但你能让火车转往停用的铁轨,这样的话你就可以救了大多数的小朋友。 Which one will you choose? However, that would also mean the lone child playing by the disused track would be sacrificed. Or would you rather let the train go its way? Let's take a pause to think what kind of decision we could make................ 但是,那也意味着那个在停用铁轨上玩的孤独的小朋友将被牺牲掉。你该怎么办?或者就让火车自己开过去吗? 让我们停一下,想想我们会做怎样的决定。 Which one will you choose? Analyse the situation ………….分析一下形势… Think and reflect …….仔细想想… Decided your answer !!!! 给出你的答案!!! Now … go ahead 现在…继续!!! Which one will you choose? Most people might choose to divert the course of the train, and sacrifice only one child. To save most of the children at the expense of only one child was rational decision most people would make, morally and emotionally. (据说) 大多数人会选择改变火车轨道,牺牲那名在停用铁轨上玩的小孩。无论从道义上还是情感上讲,以一个孩子的代价来挽救大多数孩子的生命会是大多数人的理性决定。 Which one will you choose? But, have you ever thought that the child choosing to play on the disused track had in fact made the right decision to play at a safe place? 但是,你是否想过,那名选择在停用铁轨上玩的小孩显然是做出了正确决定-- 在安全的地方玩? Nevertheless, he had to be sacri


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