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文档介绍:Waste biomass-to-energy supply chain management: A critical synthesis E. Iakovou *, A. Karagiannidis, D. Vlachos, A. Toka, A. Malamakis Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece article info Article history: Received 27 May 2009 Accepted 22 February 2010 Available online 15 March 2010 abstract The development of renewable energy sources has clearly emerged as a promising policy towards enhancing the fragile global energy system with its limited fossil fuel resources, as well as for reducing the related environmental problems. In this context, waste biomass utilization has emerged as a viable alternative for energy production, passing a wide range of potential thermochemical, physico- chemical and bio-chemical processes. Two signi?cant bottlenecks that hinder the increased biomass uti- lization for energy production are the cost plexity of its logistics operations. In this manuscript, we present a critical synthesis of the relative state-of-the-art literature as this applies to all stakeholders involved in the design and management of waste biomass supply chains (WBSCs). We begin by present- ing the generic ponents and then the unique characteristics of WBSCs that differentiate them from traditional supply chains. Weproceed by discussing state-of-the-art energy conversion technologies along with the resulting classi?cation of all relevant literature. We then recognize the natural hierarchy of the decision-making process for the design and planning of WBSCs and provide a taxonomy of all research efforts as these are mapped on the relevant strategic, tactical and operational levels of the hier- archy. Our critical synthesis demonstrates that biomass-to-energy production is a rapidly evolving research ?eld focusing mainly on biomass-to-energy production technologies. However, very few studies address the critical supply chain management issues, and the ones that do that, focus mainly on (i) the assessment of


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