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101 GREAT ANSWERS TO THE TOUGHEST INTERVIEW QUESTIONS, 4TH EDITION Introduction You Can Get There From Here It's been nearly a decade since I wrote the first edition of 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions. I certainly couldn't boast of my own interviewing skills before I wrote the book. Far from it—I had often not gotten jobs for which I was eminently qualified. So I spent quite a lot of time learning all the mistakes you could possibly make, having made each one of them—twice. Instead of giving up (which, I admit I felt like doing more than once), I decided to plunge into the interviewing process with even greater gusto. Fortunately—and only after a lot more interviews—I got better. Now, as a veteran of the other side of the desk as well (I've hired hundreds and interviewed thousands), I can tell you that interviewing is more serious business than ever before. Employers are looking for ;self-managing; employees—people who are versatile, confident, and not afraid to roll up their sleeves and get the job done. But you can't get started proving yourself without making it through the interview process. Let's face it. Interviewing was never easy. But of all the tools in your professional arsenal, your ability to shine in that brief moment in time—your initial interview—can make or break your chances for a second go-around, and, ultimately, dictate whether you're ever given a shot at the job. Chopsticks, Anyone? Like playing the piano, interviewing takes practice. And practice makes perfect. The hours of personal interviewing experience—the tragedies and the triumphs—as well as my years as an interviewer are the basis for this book. My intention is to spare you many of the indignities I suffered along the way by helping you prepare for the interview of your worst nightmares—at fortable distance from the interviewer's glare. Will you have to answer every question I've included? Certainly not—at