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上传人:scuzhrouh 2016/3/19 文件大小:0 KB





文档介绍:美联储主席伯南克对年轻人的 10个忠告 It's nice tobe back at Princeton. I find it difficult to believe that it's been almost 11 years since I departed these halls for Washington. I wrote recently to inquire about the status of my leave from the university, and the letter I got back began, "Regrettably, Princeton receives many more qualified applicants for faculty positions than we can modate." I'll extend my best wishes to the seniors later, but first I want to congratulate the parents and families here. As a parent myself, Iknow that putting your kid through college these days isno walk in the park. Some years ago I had a colleague who sent three kids through Princeton even though neither henor his wife attended this university. He and his spouse were very proud of that plishment, as they should have been. But my colleague also used to say that, from a financial perspective, the experience was like buying a new Cadillac every year and then driving it off a cliff. I should say that he always added that he would do it all over again ina minute. So, well done, moms, dads, and families. This is indeed an impressive and appropriate setting for mencement. I am sure that, from this lectern, any number of distinguished spiritual leaders have ruminated on the lessons of the mandments. I don't have that kind of confidence, and, anyway, coveting your neighbor's oxor donkey isnot the problem it used to be,