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宝马E65 E66 Model Redesign学员培训手册.pdf

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宝马E65 E66 Model Redesign学员培训手册.pdf

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宝马E65 E66 Model Redesign学员培训手册.pdf


文档介绍:Participant's Manual
E65/E66 Model Redesign
BMW Service
The information contained in this Participant's Manual is intended solely for the participants of
this seminar run by BMW Aftersales Training.
Refer to the latest relevant "BMW Service" information for any changes/supplements to the
Technical Data.
Information status: October 2004
© 2004 BMW AG
Aftersales Training, München, Germany.
Reprints of this manual or its parts require the written approval of BMW AG,
Participant's Manual
E65/E66 Model Redesign
More powerful engines
Adapted chassis and suspension
Optimized energy management
Improved iDrive operation
Information on this Participant's Manual
Symbols used
The following symbols are used in this Participant's Manual to facilitate
prehension and to draw attention to important information.
3 contains information for better understanding of the described
systems and their functions.
1 identifies the end of an item of information.
Current content of Participant's Manual
In view of the constant further developments in the design and equipment
of BMW vehicles deviations may arise between this Participant's Manual
and the vehicles made available as part of the training course.
The background material refers exclusively to left-hand drive vehicles.
The controls are in part arranged differently in right-hand drive vehicles
than shown on the graphics in the Participant's Manual.
Additional information sources
You will find further information on the individual vehicle topic in the BMW
diagnosis and repair systems as well as on the under
E65/E66 model redesign
Objectives 1
Guide for training, 1
Models 3
New engine variants 3
Introduction 5
Model upkeep for the 7 Series 5
What's new about the 7 Series? - The most
important 6
Technical data 9
E65/E66 model redesign
Guide for training,
reference work for everyday practice
This Participant's M


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