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文档介绍:万方数据 Study on the local group event A Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of Master C andidate: Ma Rui Supervisor: Lv Hongqiang Chang’ an University, Xi’ an, China 万方数据万方数据万方数据万方数据 i 摘要目前,我国仍处于体制转轨, 社会转型的特定历史时期。伴随着这些年来改革开放的深入和转型期社会矛盾的日益复杂,经济领域的矛盾日渐尖锐,受不同观念和思想的影响,群体性事件爆发的概率相比以前有所增加,引发群体性事件的原因也呈扩大化、复杂化的趋势。当前, 转型期群体性事件已成为影响我国社会稳定的一个突出问题,具体表现为:数量越来越多,规模不断扩大,所涉及的问题越来越复杂,突发性越来越强, 行为方式日趋激烈,演变程度加剧, 处置难度越来越大等特点。甚至境内外敌对势力也千方百计地插手,试图利用群体性事件煽动、制造动乱,破坏国家内部的安定团结。妥善处理这类事件,不仅在现阶段, 而且在今后一个时期内,都是维护社会和谐稳定的一项迫切而严峻的任务。因此, 如何正确认识转型期群体性事件,分析其特点和成因,提出应对处置策略,维护社会稳定, 成为了我们亟待解决的问题,也是本文研究的重点方向。为了能够更好、更深入地研究转型期群体性事件,本文主要从湖南郴州群体性事件入手,正确认识群体性事件的必要性, 从构建和谐社会的高度出发,详尽介绍了群体性事件的概念、分类和相关理论, 认真分析了群体性事件的形成过程和基本特征,结合转型期群体性事件产生的新变化,深入探寻该时期群体性事件的形成根源,以正确的思想原则为基础,由表及里、循序渐进地得出治理转型期群体性事件的有效策略,即:通过把握“治理理念”、“治理重点”、“治理模式”和“治理桥梁”四个方面的科学转变, 逐步健全和完善相关机制,坚持将“以人为本”的人性化治理方法作为治理转型期群体性事件的突破口,充分发挥非政府组织的独特作用。并在结论部分提出了对于转型期群体性事件的预测和防范方向, 为有效治理转型期群体性事件营造了积极主动地氛围,为我国构建社会主义和谐社会提供了强有力的群众基础与政治保障。关键词:群体性事件;转型期;原因探析;治理对策万方数据 ii Abstract In recent years, with the further reform and opening, the transformation of the market economy, social benefit pattern adjustment, the new probl ems and new contradictions is on the increase, the group events is rising and e influence the construction of socialist and Will the prominent question of, e the government offices at all levels and the urgent need to study the problems to solve an important issue. In recent years, the group incidents occurred frequently, caused serious consequences, and government to the disposal of the masses event improper, and the contradiction between, interest conflict, the impact of the social harmony and s tability of society. How to do a proper treatment and prevention and control group incidents e in recent years the government and the party is to solve the key and difficult point, also e the hot spot of the social problem. In order to study mass