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文档介绍:Study on DTHotel’s Precision Marketing Strategy Abstract Asthedevelopment of economic and tourism, hotel industry is developing more and more rapidly with the support of national policies. A blowout emerge in the quantity of Star hotel last several years when the internationalbrand hotel group settled forcibly in china. With pletion is intense increasingly, traditional hotel marketing has been threatened and the business model has been changed because of the overturn of thinking. Customers’ needs are changing constantlywith the improvement of living standard and the diversification of economic. As the advancement of computer technology and the popularity of network, people’s consumption and demand can be analyzed and speculated based on the data track. The key of precision marketing is how to synchronize the updated information and extract marketing value of data. Take DThotel for study based on marketing theory, and point out the hotel marketing problem according to the hotel macro and micro environment analysis. Use SWOT analysis method and take consumers’ demands as the starting point to decide the hotel’s target market segments and market position. In the times of big data, it’s important to value the data of the consumer information and to make DThotel precision marketing strategy combined the database-based precision marketing with web-based precision marketing. This paper is divided into six chapters, the first chapter describes the research background and significance; the second chapter involves marketing theorybased on the precision marketing illustrates, in the third chapter, from the inside out various environment on the hotel are analyzed, and the use of the SWOT method to analysis the advantages and disadvantages of DTHotel and face opportunities and the fourth chapterthe DThotel to make precision marketing


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