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文档介绍:中文摘要《五褴通考》二百六十二卷,加卷首《褙经作述源流》和《展代褴制沿革》四卷,共针二百六十六卷。该害封上起先秦、下至明末的中圆古代褙制资料造行了全面而祥盎的梳理。《五槌通考》共分八十五朗颓,各朗颊雎然细目多寡不一, 篇幅有大有小,但其内容均徒缀横雨倜角度,封屋代褴制史料的沿革燮化作了祥赢的靼鲸和考恙。《五褴通考》堪稻“数千百年柬所怒燕而馑有之害”,可惜研究不麴。由于雨年畴同有限,再加上其卷帙浩繁,燕法封其作系统的研究,文章馑遗挥《五褴通考》卷一百三十一至一百四十一“朝槌”部分,共计十一卷,造行校蓿。我们在秦蕙阳害的基磋上,封“朝稍”的褴筋俄式,造行了概述;然後分《五槌通考》打正它害之靴误、《五褴通考》打祸它害之缺漏、《五褴通考》之靴误、《五褴通考》之缺漏四部分,将秦氏徵引的材料,寻找原害,一一校勘, 撰宿“校勘耗”,或福正《十三缝注疏》、《漠害》、《宋史》、《逡史》等害之缺误,或用《十三缝注疏》、《大唐阴元褪》、《通典》等害褊正文渊图《四庳全害》本《五褴通考》“朝褴”部分之靴脱,徒而客靓秤儇《五槌通考》之文献孥儇值。网键翮:秦蕙田;《五褴通考》;朝褴 Abstract Inthisthesis,we mainly focused on the262 volumes ofGeneral Study on the Five Rites together with itsIntroduction'70r theceremony切Origin"and’'ancient ceremony of History”4 volumes,that iS,266 Volume have collected prehensive dataoftheancient Chinese ritualsystem from thePre-Qin down tothe end ofMing ,we have done adetailed research on study on the Five Rites consists of 85 each category differs in and length,they allmade detailed study on theevolution oftheancient ritualsystem both vertically and Study on theFive Rites is a peerless masterpiece that ever exists over thepast few ,very few effortshave been devoted tomaking further study on iSimpossible to make asystematic and thorough study on itsvoluminous volumes inonly two years. Therefore,we selectonly 11volumes from General Study on theFiveRites(Vol 131—141:Pilgrimage part)to the firstplace,on thebasis ofthe study by Huitian Qin,We make further study on theritualsystem ofPilgrimage and make asummarization try tofindtheoriginal ofQin’S citations and proofread thesistries todoproofreading from fourperspectives,namely demerits ofother WOrks corrected by General Study on theFive Rites;lack ofother pleted by General Study on theFive Rites;demerits ofGeneral Study on theFiveRites;lacks ofGeneral Study thisway we hereby write a corrigendum of thebook tomake som