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文档介绍:摘要摘要农业观光园是农业观光活动的载体,以农业活动为基础,结合了旅游、休闲、教育、科研等多种功能,近年来在我国得到了蓬勃发展。农业观光园的建设,对于解决“三农问题”,实现城乡全面、协调、可持续发展具有重大的现实意义。目前,国内对于农业观光园的研究比较薄弱,缺乏体系化的规划设计理论和方法作为指导。本文以农业观光园为研究对象,主要从风景园林规划设计的角度出发,结合多学科理论,通过查阅大量文献资料、实地调查和课题项目实践,对城乡空间和农业景观环境背景下的农业观光园区的规划设计理论方法、可持续发展问题等方面进行了探讨。主要内容可以概括为四个部分: 首先,阐述了农业观光的起源、产生因素、概念以及发展概况,分析了农业观光园的类型、特征、相关学科理论等,以求系统、清晰的说明农业观光园的相关问题。其后,进行了农业观光园规划设计的相关理论探索,总结规划设计的原则和方法。继而,分析国内外实例,总结经验,说明如何用农业观光园规划设计理论指导实践,创造高品质园林空间,以期实现生态、社会、经济等多方面效益的综合提高。最后,通过简要介绍和分析本人参与的不同类型农业观光园规划设计实践,对规划设计理论如何运用于不同的具体实际情况做出进一步探索。关键词:农业观光,观光农业,农业观光园,农业景观,风景园林,规划设计 ABSTRACT Primary Investigation on the Planning and Design of Tourism Agricultural Park Master Candiadate: Liu Jia (Urban Planning and Design) Directed by Professor Zhou Xi Tourism agricultural park, which is basing on agricultural activities and combining with multifunction of tourism, recreation, education and scientific research, etc, is the carriers of agricultural tours. It developed fast in China in the past few years, significantly helped solving the problem of "Agriculture, Country and Farmers" and improving the all-round, concerted and sustainable development in rural and urban area. So far, in China, the research on this issue is not enough; systemized guiding theories and methods of plan and design are yet to be developed. Targeting at tourism agricultural park, combining with different fields of study, and from the view of landscape architecture planning and design, the author checked big amount of document, researched in the field and practiced in projects; in this paper, he is looking into the theories and methods of tourism agricultural park on the back ground of urban and rural space as well as agricultural landscape, and sustainable development. There are four parts in this paper: In the first part, the author described the origin, cause,