文档介绍:.页眉. .页脚网络教育本科毕业论文题目: 中小企业融资难成因及对策分析作者:学号:专业: 金融学学习中心: 指导教师: .页眉. .页脚摘要中小企业是我国国民经济的重要组成部分, 在经济社会发展中具有大企业无法替代的特殊的战略地位。作为活跃市场的基本力量, 容纳了社会上大多数的就业人员,在促进经济增长及解决就业和再就业过程中,发挥着重要作用。但由于企业自身和我国经济体制等多方面的原因,致使我国中小企业普遍存在的融资难的问题,严重制约了我国中小企业的发展速度。本文拟分析目前我国中小企业融资难的现状,并在此基础上提出一些解决的对策建议。首先结合现实经济环境阐述中小企业融资目前的现状;其次分析造成中小企业融资困境的内部和外部因素, 主要表现在企业自身、金融机构、法律体系不健全等方面。最后,提出解决我国中小企业融资难题的对策建议,包括:加强中小企业自身融资能力建设,建立多层次的融资体系,完善政策及法规体系。关键词: 中小企业,融资,现状 Abstract SMEs are an important part ofour national economy, in economic and social development can not be replaced with big business special strategic position. As an active market, the basic forces, to modate the majority of employed persons in society, in promoting economic growth and solve the employment and re-employment process, play an important role. However, due to their own and China's economic system and many other reasons, resulting in widespread of SME financing problem, has seriously hampered the pace of development of SMEs in China. This paper analyzes the current status of financing of SMEs, and on this basis, the suggestions put forward some solutions. First, the economic bined with the reality described the current status of SME financing; followed by analysis of SME financing difficulties caused by internal and external factors, mainly in the enterprises themselves, financial institutions, legal system isnot perfect and so on. Finally, to solve the financing problems of SME's suggestions, including: strengthening self-financing capacity building for SMEs, the establishment of multi-level financing system, and improve policies and regulations. Key words: Small and medium-sized enterprise, financing, Status .页眉. .页脚目录摘要......................................................................................................................... I 目录......................................................................................................................... II 一、我国中小企业概念及现状分析.........................................................