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文档介绍:第 29 卷第 21 期中国电机工程学报 Jul. 25, 2009 80 2009 年 7 月 25 日 Proceedings of the CSEE ?2009 . 文章编号: 0258-8013 (2009) 21-0080-07 中图分类号: TM 359 文献标志码: A 学科分类号: 470 ? 40 平面电机的海尔贝克型直线电机执行器黄学良,周赣,张前( 东南大学电气工程学院,江苏省南京市 210096) Research on Halbach Linear Motor Actuator of Planar Motor HUANG Xue-liang, ZHOU Gan, ZHANG Qian (School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast Un iversity, Nanjing 210096, Jiangsu Province, China) ABSTRACT: The ic actuators of the planar motor consist of four Halbach permanent synchronous linear motors. This paper presented the structure and working principle of the planar motor, the structural scheme of the prototype actuator, and the corresponding decoupled ic force equations. The motion control equation of the prototype was derived and the corresponding current-controlled strategy was proposed. Finally, the experimental procedures and resu lts of current control, static force measurement, open loop positioning, and close loop positioning were presented. The setting time is ms and the steady-state error is less than 5 mA in the 500 mA current step response. The measured Halbac h actuator elec tromechanical constant is N/A, which is times of the radial array actuator’s. The average error is 50 μm in open loop positioning. The setting time is