文档介绍:光学实验室论文一. 发表的科研杂志论文 1. 王志伟, 周祥发, 黄运锋, 张永生, 任希锋, 郭光灿, Experimental entanglement distillation of two-qubit mixed states under local operations , Physical Review Letters , 96, 220505 , 2006 2. 项国勇, 黄运锋, 孙方稳, 张沛, 区泽宇, 郭光灿, Demonstration of temporal distinguishability ina four-photon state and a six-photon state, Physical Review Letters , 97, 023604 , 2006 3. 薛鹏, 肖云峰, Universal putation in Decoherence-Free Subspace with Neutral atoms, Physical Review Letters , 97, 140501 , 2006, 黄运锋, 王志伟, 郭光灿, Spatial mode properties of plasmon-assisted transmission, Optics Letters , , 2792-2794,2006 5. 林秀敏, 周正威, 叶明勇, 肖云峰, 郭光灿, One-step implementation ofa multiqubit controlled-phase-flip gate, Phys. Rev. A 73, 0123232006 ) 6. 陈请,程建华,汪克林,杜江锋 Efficient construction of two-dimensional cluster states with probabilistic quantum gates, Phys. Rev. A 73, 012303(2006) 7. 顾永建, 李文东, 郭光灿 Protocol and quantum circuits for realizing deterministic entanglement concentration, Phys. Rev. A 73, 022321 (2006) (第二单位) 8. 孙方稳, 区泽宇, 郭光灿, Projection measurement of the maxi- mally entangled N-photon state for a demonstration of the N-photon de Broglie wavelength, Phys. Rev. A 73, 023808 (2006) 9. 王琴, 孙方稳, 张永生, 李剑, 黄运锋, 郭光灿, Experimental demonstration ofa method to realize weak measurement of the arrival time ofa single photon, Phys. Rev. A 73, 023814 (2006) 10. 蔡建明, 周正威, 郭光灿, Entanglement measuremen