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文档介绍:I 摘要本文介绍了将 X62W 万能铣床改造为花键轴专用铣床方法。从理论上分析了该设计方案用做加工矩形花键时的定位精度,并在实践中得到证实。详细阐述了用一种自动分度器代替万能分度头来实现等分分度的全过程及其工艺方案。花键工艺采用该系统,可以使花键成型过程变为: 进刀铣削、退刀、分度、再进刀的自动循环工艺过程,整个过程无需人工参与,直到一个工件加过完毕后,自动停机。进给工作台采用液压动力滑台,自动循环过程采用了 PLC 控制,使得机-电-液联动控制有机地相结合,操作简单方便,通用性强, 分度速度快、精度高,大大降低了劳动强度、提高了生产效率,为在铣床上完成花键成型过程创造了一种自动化的条件。关键词:等分分度;自动分度器;花键轴;液压控制; PLC ;自动化;工艺装备 II Abstract The pap er int roduc esthespec ial mehtods of mill machine whi chc an cha n ge X62W omnipotence milling machine tosp line ax an alyses th eoretieally the orientati onp rec ision when the design is used top roc ess rec tnagle sp line and is validated p rac tic ally .It also sets f ort h c aref u llythe whole c ourse and itsc raf t work in whi chan ele ct ro motion knife rest replace omnipotence division end to realize part the adoption of the system the sp line c arf t work can turn its molding c ourse to automation eyc lec ourse including entry sword milling , quitting sword, part division,reentry in the process no manual power is involved till a workpiece isdone with and the machine stopped desk adopts hydraulic pressure drive slipway;the self-motion cycle course uses PLC control , bine the engine-electricity-liquid linkage to make operation easier and more convenient wider and mort popular , division speed and precision higher reduce labor intension and provide a condition to improve the efficiency, toc reate ac ondition of automation to finish the sp line molding bythe milling machine. Keywords : Part division Automatic indexer Electro motion knife rest Spline axis Hydraulic pressure control PLC automation Craftwork equipment I 目录 1绪论............................................................................................................................................. 1 工程背景和意义................................................................................................................... 1 花键加工工艺的发展现状和趋势.........................................................