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文档介绍:自考毕业论文模版摘要本文以影片《 XXXXXXX 》为例, 解析其中运用的典型的数字特效。《 XXXXXX 》中的数字特效是由 XXXXX 数字有限公司制作的。 XXXXX X 特效镜头比前两部加起来还要多, 使用到了从传统到数字几乎所有的特效技术。《 XXXXXXX 》电影中创造的数字角色--XX ,是虚拟角色质量上的飞跃,可以说是在此之前最复杂的电脑动画人物。《 XXXXXXX 》中宏伟的战争场面,来源于史迪芬· 瑞杰勒斯( Stephen Regelous )编写的"xxxxxx" ( xxxxxxxxxxx )程序。这种人工智能群体动画软件通过编程使成千上万个虚拟人具备看、听、判断、思考和反应的能力。运动控制技术在《 XXXXX 》系列电影中,被创新地和模型系统的传动装置联合起来,来保证运动中角色外形尺寸的相对关系。《 XXXXX 》X 使用了数字中间片技术。影片的成功离不开数字技术的进步, 技术实现了这个故事要讲述的梦想...... 关键词数字特效; MASSIVE ;虚拟角色;数字中间片技术 Abstract This article captures the Oscar best vision effect prize take continuously three years the movie "The Lord of the ring" the trilogy as an example. Analyzes utilization the model digital special effect. "The Lord of the ring" the digital special effect is manufactures by the WETA numeral pany. "The Lord of the ring Ⅰ"has 560 special effect lens. "The Lord of the ring Ⅱ" has more than 800. But "The Lord of the ring Ⅲ" the special effect lens add first two also must be more than. Used from the tradition to the digital nearly all special effect technology. "The Lord of the ring" in the series movie creates digital role --Gollum. He is in the hypothesized role quality leap. May say is before then the puter animation character. "The Lord of the ring" grand war scene originates in Stephen pilation "MASSIVE" the procedure. This kind of artificial munity animation software causes the tens of thousands of hypothesized people through the programming to have looked at, listens to, the judgment, the ponder and response ability. Movement control technology in "The Lord of the ring" in series movie innovates and the model system transmission device unites, that guarantees in the movement the role external dimensions relative relations. "The Lord of the ring" the trilogy has all used the digital middle piece technology. The movie ess cannot leave the digital technology the progress. The technology has realized the dream which this story must narrate... Keywords digital special effect ; MASSIVE ; hypothesized role ; the dig