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文档介绍:xxxxxxxxxx 本科毕业设计说明书 25KN 单柱液压机液压系统设计 T he system design of 25KN Single Column Hydraulic Presses 性质:□√毕业设计□毕业论文教学院: 机电工程学院系别: 机械电子工程系学生学号: xxxxxx 学生姓名: xxxxxx 专业班级: 机自 xxxxx 指导教师: xxxxxxx 职称: 教授起止日期: 201 ~ 201 . 20 吉林化工学院 Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology xxxxxxx 本科毕业设计说明书 I 摘要如今,液压传动是一门比较成熟的技术,已广泛应用于机械制造、工程机械、农业机械、汽车制造以及锻压等机械行业。而其在实现高压、高速、大功率、高效率、低噪声、经久耐用,高度集成化等各项要求方面的显著优势使得这门技术有着更加广阔的发展前景。本文在对液压传动发展和液压传动的工作原理作了一个简要说明的同时,更对液压技术在锻压机械中的一个典型应用——单柱液压机的液压系统进行了全面的设计计算。其内容主要包括: Ⅰ液压传动系统方案的分析、比较和确定; Ⅱ确定并绘制系统原理图; Ⅲ集成块单元回路图的绘制; Ⅳ液压系统中各主要参数的计算、圆整及校核; Ⅴ各种液压元件的选择; Ⅵ设计并绘制以集成块联接方式而成的系统装配图; 在单柱液压机液压系统执行元件液压缸的设计中,利用在前文系统设计中所校核过的如活塞直径 D(Φ AL)、活塞杆直径 d(Φ MM) 等参数, 我们对液压油缸的各主要零部件进行了详细的结构设计,并绘制了它们的零件图及液压油缸装配图。关键词: 单柱液压机;液压系统设计;液压油缸 xxx : 25KN 单柱液压机液压系统设计 II A bstract Nowadays, hydraulic drive isa technique ing mature, what has been applied in M anufacture , Engineering M achinery ,F arm M achinery ,C arM anufacturing , and Forging Presses etc. Moreover, it has a so salient advantage in actualize high pressure , high speed, hight-power, hight efficiency , low yawp , longevity and hight integration that it could develope much faster then others. After the phylogeny of the hydraulic drive and the working theory have been introduced in this paper, we have doa fully design for the system of the single column hydraulic presses which isa type application in Forging includes: ⅠA nalys ing, comparing and confirming the project of hydraulic drive; Ⅱ Confirming and drawing the system blueprint ; Ⅲ Drawing a blueprint of the cell loop of the integration block; Ⅳ Accounting , checking and normaliz ing the mainly parameter in the hydraulic system Ⅴ Choosing the different kinds of ponent Ⅵ Designing how to rig out all the parts of the system and then draw a blueprint to reflect it. In the design of the working part of the hydraulic system, cylinder , we have doa particular frame design in using the parameter as the diameter of the piston D(Φ AL ) and the diameter of the pole d(Φ