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贝爷 荒野求生-课件(PPT讲稿).ppt

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贝爷 荒野求生-课件(PPT讲稿).ppt

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贝爷 荒野求生-课件(PPT讲稿).ppt


文档介绍:who is him ? Bear Grylls ? Born: 7 June 1974 ? He is a British adventurer writer television presenter Man vs wild is a survival television series hosted by Bear Grylls on the Discovery Channel (探索频道) . In each program me , he went to the deserts, swamps, forests, canyons where are not suitable for human to surviv e. 在每一期节目中,他去了沙漠,沼泽,森林,峡谷等一些不适合人类的生存的地方。 For the sake of life insurance,he will eat some unimaginable things in a very difficult environment. 为求保命, 他会在极艰难的环境下吃一些常人难以想象的东西 In each episode of the wilderness survival secret, Be ar will be trapped in a popular outdoor destination; there always is a place tourists often getting lost and hurt . In the real environment, Be ar will make use of his professional survival technology, managed to escape from danger, as well as search for the outlet (出路) back to the munity. 在每一集的《荒野求生秘技》中,贝尔会将自己困于一处受欢迎的野外目的地;那儿经常是游客迷路和遇险的地方。置身于真实的环境中, 贝尔会利用其专业的求生技术,设法逃离险境,努力求存,以及寻找重回人类社区的出路。 What will he do in the program? 现在让我们一起来看看吧 ln China, his fans call him----贝爷 The man who is s tand ing on the top of the food chain .站在食物链顶端的男人 You know that survival in the wild will not let you have delicious food . 野外生存,不可能与美食相伴? And now we have some pictures about his food....