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中国贸促会的救助合同page 281.doc

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中国贸促会的救助合同page 281.doc

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中国贸促会的救助合同page 281.doc


文档介绍:SALVAGE CONTRACT STANDARD FORM OF THE MARITIME MISSION OF THE CHINA COUNCIL FOR THE PROMOTION OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE NO CURE — NO PAY It is hereby agreed between ____________________ (name of Captain) the Captain of the vessel____________________(name and port of registry of the vessel being salved) owned by ___________________(full name and address) hereinafter called the Captain and the Salvor_____________________ in the person of ____________________ hereinafter called the Salvor as follows: 1. The Salvor undertakes to perform salvage operations to salve the above named vessel, her cargo and any other property on board and to take then into ________ or any other place to be agreed upon hereafter with the Captain. 2. For the performance of the salvage operations, the Salvor may make reasonable use, free of costs, of the gear, chains, anchors and other appurtenances of the vessel being salved. 3. After pletion of the salvage operations prescribed in Clause 1, the Salvor shall receive a remuneration to amount of ________________ or, in its stead, a reasonable remuneration in case the salvage operations are only partially essful. If no agreement is reached between the parties hereto regarding the amount of remuneration, the Maritime Court of China shall fix the amount. 4. Any objection being made by either party to this Contract or by any other person interested, regarding the a