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英语短论文———— 针灸.doc

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英语短论文———— 针灸.doc



文档介绍:1 Acupuncture ? ?????????????????? Name: Huang Meiyuan Student Number: 2007185746 Class: 07--1 Supervisor : Cui Jianqiang Telephone: ********** Faculty: S cience and T echnology School June, 2009 Shi Hezi University 2 Abstract : From this text, you will know what is the acupuncture. Regard asa developing treatment of method and therapy which is not lost and killed has many advantages to support its existence. Among these endless searches of acupuncture, we can find some good prescriptions to cure many serious diseases from many acupuncture classics and reproduce all aspects. bine mon views of republic with some works of the famous doctors to make sure that we will understand the acupuncture more clearly. I want to figure out that the life is the most important things in the world. Keeping yourself healthy and happy is the center of all things. Key word s: Introduction history development advantages treating prescription chronic nasal sinusitis. Traditional Chinese medicine is developed more than five thousands years, acupuncture is the great of cultural legacies of the Chinese nation with a long history. In my opinion, it plays the important role in Chinese Medicine. 1. Introduction to acupuncture 3 Acupuncture and moxibustion is an ext