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文档介绍:I 摘要随着化学药物和抗生素的广泛使用,微生物的抗药性逐渐增强。与此同时, 环境污染的加剧,社会和人文的变迁使人类的免疫力不断下降,新的致病菌和条件致病菌不断出现,这种微生物日益增强的抗药性和新致病菌的不断出现已成为一个严重的社会问题。要解决这一问题,最有效的办法就是加大力度,筛选开发新的抗生素。青海高原盐湖以其独特的生境条件已成为开发新抗生素的重要来源。本试验先后两次采集青海茶卡盐湖的底泥样品,然后用不同种类的培养基分离出了200个菌株,其中绝大多数是细菌。以金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、枯草杆菌、铜绿假单胞菌、白假丝酵母以及从辣椒枝和黄瓜叶中分离出的4种植物病原真菌作为指示菌,通过抗菌试验,筛选到抗菌活性物质产生菌12株。从实验结果来看,这12株抗菌活性物质产生菌株在拮抗病原菌株测定中, 对病原菌有着较好的抑制作用。尤其在拮抗病原真菌的抗菌筛选中,这些抗生素产生菌株有着较强的抑菌效果,这为寻找广谱、高效、低毒的生物农药提供了优秀的拮抗菌种资源。另外,对这12株抗生素产生菌通过生物学特性和生理生化方面的初步研究,从而为开发青海高原盐湖微生物资源提供了科学的理论依据。关键词茶卡盐湖;分离纯化;嗜盐微生物;抗菌活性;生物学特性万方数据 II Abstract Screening and JuniorStudying of Biological characteristics on ActiveStrains of Antibiotic in Chaqia Saltlake Wei You-Xia ( Pratacultural Science ) Directed byLi Jun-Qiao As broad application of chemistry medicine and antibiotics,the resistance of mic- anism gets stronger and ,with the increased environment polu- tion,as wellas the variation of society and civil activities, the immunity of human is declining. The newpathogen and increasing resistance of antibiotics has e a serious social problem .The effective way to solve this problem is search for newer antibiotics. Plateau salt lake ofQinghai,for its unique territory condition, has e one of the most important origins to screenthe antibioties. Sediment of salt lake were collected as samples from2 location in Chaqia salt lake, and200 strains were isolated by different mediums,most of them are bacterias. Based on theresult of antimicroobial activity test,12 bacterias with antimicrobial activity were sparated from 200 isolates using us aureus,Escherichia Coli,Bacillus subtilis,Pseudomnasaeruginosa,haromyces cerevisia and 4 species pathogenic fungi of plant as theindicators,whichwere isolated from pepper and cucumber. According to the results,12 strains has strong antimicrobial activity to pathogens of fungi and antibiotic active strains will provide outstanding, high effective, lowpois