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文档介绍:引力波与高频引力波探测李芳昱重庆大学物理系 China-VO 2009 ICGA9 2 1. Background and Motivation 2. Coupling ic Detection Scheme to High-Frequency Gravitational Waves 3. Challenge and Opportunity OUTLINE 3 Classification of gravitational wave frequency bands. (1) ν~1Hz-10 4 Hz, the detecting region by ground laser interferometer gravitational wave observatory, such as VIRGO, LIGO, etc. (2) ν~100Hz-10 3 Hz, the detecting region by the resonant mass detectors, such as Weber Bar. (3) ν~10 -4 Hz-1Hz, the detecting region by Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, such as LISA. (4) ν~10 -6 Hz-10 -3 Hz, the detecting region by ASTROD. (5) ν~10 7 Hz-10 9 Hz, the detecting region by ic microwave cavity or circular waveguide. (6) ν~10 8 Hz-10 11 Hz, the detecting region by coupling systems of the microwave beams and static EM fields. 4 What are High-Frequency Gravitational Waves (HFGWs) ? High Frequency Gravity Waves (HFGWs) are gravitational waves (which differ from hydrodynamic gravity waves) that have frequencies of 100 kHz to 100 MHz (Hawking and Israel 1979). As their frequency increases, very high-frequency gravitational waves (VHFGWs) and ultra high-frequency gravitational waves (UHFGWs) are generated. These have frequencies of 100 MHz to 100 GHz and 100+ GHz, respectively. The generic term HFGWs describes all three of these bands. These waves move through the “ fabric ” of space similar to the way an ocean wave moves through the water. This “ fabric, ” as Einstein describes it, is called the “ space-time continuum ” and is four-dimensional. It contains the usual three dimensions of space: for example, (1) east-west (2) north-south) (3) up down, but also includes the dimension of (4) time. 5 History of High-Frequency Gravitational Waves ? Poincar é , first mention of GWs, 1905 ? Robert L. Forward, lecture presented at the Lockheed Astrodynamics Research Center in Bel-Air, California, USA, first mention of HFGWs, 1961 ? M. E. Gertsenshtein, 1962 ? L. Ha


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